Welcome to Attributions.org

It is the mission of Attributions.org  to ensure that work published on the internet is properly attributed to the person that created it. We provide a service that allows companies and individuals to log in and record their credentials so that they may receive credit for their published works. All credentials are checked, referenced, and recorded in our database. Verified users may access their company or personal account to update and add citations.

As of 1999, there are an estimated 171.25 million internet users worldwide (Internet Statistics, 2000).

With the growing popularity of the internet, it is important that there is a record of who and where the content comes from.

Contact Us

around_the_worldIf you have any questions about our services, you may contact us at [email protected].


Internet Statistics and Data: 1999. (2000). Retrieved November 19, 2000 from www.netcaucus.org/statistics/1999/

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